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Inuita pack is a show kennels, based in North Devon.



 I have always had a love for dogs and have been working with them for over 7 years as a trainer and have always liked the bigger breeds.

Being around collies and cocker spaniels for so many years, I wanted something a bit different and 7 years ago I purchased my first Northern Inuit and have never looked back.

5 years ago I was privileged to add my first Akita to my pack in 2019

Within the last few years my pack has blown me away with their achievements, in such a short space of time, winning 36 rosettes, 2 Reserve Best in Shows, Best Minor Puppy Bitch and qualifying for Crufts 2020, just to name a few!

It's early days, but I'm looking forward to the future. you can keep tract of the progress of inuita by following our new facebook page



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